Exciting Times Ahead

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There is a lot going on here at the moment and we wanted to update you so you can see the direction we are going in. Let me start by announcing a rise in our membership costs. While this is something no-one wants to hear, our prices are still going to be very competitive compared to other flying schools. Furthermore, we are making significant changes as explained below so you can have a far better customer experience moving forward. All monthly membership fees will rise by 5 pounds.

New Booking System

The Flight Ops Pro booking system we use is not fit for purpose. As a result we have been unable to administer flights effectively and booking problems have been frequent. We have purchased a new system called Private Radar which we are setting up at the moment. You will be able to log in and:

  • See your training progress / history Including theory records
  • See your scheduled flights and flight records.
  • Request bookings & lets us know when you are not available.
  • Check your account balance
  • Check you currency
  • Be notified if you have documents out of date such as medical, SEP
  • Online log book
  • Online pre flight briefing
  • Aircraft documents such as mass and balance available online

But for us that is the tip of the iceberg. It will also replace our Microsoft Access database and multiple spreadsheets currently used for flight administration. This will make us more efficient in general and the chances of booking problems are significantly reduced. It will be particularly beneficial to those of you on the fast-track scheme. The current system gave us no easy way to check all forward bookings for a given person. This new system costs us a lot more than Flight Ops Pro but will be worth every penny.

New Helicopter Instructor

Unfortunately Jason is not coming back following his recent time off. But while he will be missed we welcome our new helicopter flight Instructor Mark O´Donnell. Robert Power will also continue to work for us.

New Fixed Wing Flight Instructors

We are pleased to welcome James Conkey and Jamie Tipple to our team of fixed wing flight instructors. This will help increase our capacity for flights and avoid cancellations.

PPL Expert Launches 1st November

We’re so excited to be launching PPL Expert on the 1st of November 2021. PPL Expert is an all new suite of tools designed to assist you passing the PPL / LAPL theory exams. Sign up before launch to get a FREE trial and access to Pre Launch Discounts.

PPL Expert hosts the following features to name a few:

  • Question bank with over 1000 randomly generated questions with detailed explanations
  • Bite sized revision facts and video tutorials
  • CRP-1 Master Class
  • Online virtual ground school
  • One to one instruction