Aircraft Weight & Balance Table

For the individual aircraft mass and balance sheets look under the Documents tab under the relevant aircraft in Private Radar.

AircraftBEMCGTotal MomentMTOM
G-CINA1204 lbs35.05in43,392.16 lbs/in1671 lbs
G-BSZV1124 lbs33.46in37,611.00 lbs/in1654 lbs
G-BOMS1546 lbs39.09 in60,543.00 lbs/in2300 lbs
G-BXSD1678 lbs39.13 in65,655.32 lbs/in2450 lbs
G-BAHF1377 lbs85.95 in118,370.00 lbs/in2150 lbs
G-BUJN1501 lbs38.23 in57727.3 lbs/in2300 lbs

This table is to be used as a guide only. The aircraft weight schedule should be used as the authoritative source of M+B information.