Weather Minima

3.4 Weather Minima

  1.         General weather minima
    1. The following weather minima are to be observed by all pilots when using DTO aircraft or undertaking DTO duties in other aircraft such as those owned by students or syndicates.
    2.   VFR Flights:
  1.  For take-off and landing the reported minima at the airfield must be not less than (SERA.5005): 
    1. Cloudbase not less than 1500 feet AGL 
    2. RVR not less than 5000m.
  2. The cloud base en-route not less than 1500 feet AGL and visibility not less than 5000m AND aircraft must be able to remain above MSA at all times whilst also remaining clear of cloud whilst below an altitude of 3000ft. 
  3. The weather conditions at the destination and alternative aerodromes are forecast to be greater than minima listed above, for not less than 60 minutes after the estimated time of arrival.
  1. IFR Flights:
  1. The weather conditions at the airfield are not below those for a circling approach.
  2. The en-route conditions are such that in the event of an engine failure the aircraft may break cloud at not less than 1000ft. 
  3. The aircraft can comply with MSA requirements as listed in paragraph 3.2.3 and the icing level is forecast to be not less than 1000ft above that level. 
  4. RVR is not less than published minima +1km for approach in use and cloud base not less than published DA +500ft for landing using a published instrument approach. 
  5.  The forecast conditions at EGBE or any destination where a visual approach is required is above the visual take-off and landing minima in paragraph above. 
  6. Icing Conditions

Flying into known icing conditions is prohibited in all school aircraft. 

Only approved fluids provided by the school should be used for the de-icing of aircraft prior to flight. 

  1. Wind Limitations        Maximum Wind

  1. No dual training flights or private hire flights or maintenance flights are permitted in winds in excess of 25kts, this includes gusts. 
  1. Qualified instructors with more than 500 hours total time may be permitted to fly for non-revenue purposes in winds in excess of 25kts. Providing that the aircraft is operated within the demonstrated x-wind limit and they have gained the express permission of the head of training to conduct the flight.
  1.   All pilots must adhere to the demonstrated crosswind limits as stated in the individual aircraft POH. Students are restricted to more severe limitations, these are:
    1. Student crosswind limit (all aircraft) of 10kts
    2. Licence holders with less than 50 hours P1 are restricted to a crosswind limit of 12kts regardless of aircraft type        For first solo flights the wind minima is further reduced:

                      (a) Surface wind must be less than 15kts including gusts

                      (b) Maximum crosswind limit 8kts regardless of aircraft type       Pilots are advised to request a more favorable runway, if available in order to        reduce cross wind component on take-off and landing. In such case runway limitations and performance factors must be checked in order to determine suitability.

3.4.4  Weather Minima for Training Flights      Circuits and General Handling in Local Area

CloudbaseFlight Visibility
Dual1500ft AGL5km
Solo2000ft AGL8km
First Solo2000ft AGL8km

For all solo student flights there must be no forecasts or reports of CB, towering cumulus, fog, haze or windshear for not less that 60 minutes after the planned flight time.      VFR navigation

CloudbaseFlight Visibility
Dual2000ft AGL5km
Solo2500ft AGL10km

For all solo student flights there must be no forecasts or reports of CB, towering cumulus, fog, haze or windshear for not less that 60 minutes after the planned flight time.      IMC/IR(R) Training

CloudbaseFlight Visibility
DualIcing level not less than 1000ft above MSA and sufficient that in the event of engine failure cloud break is not less than 1000ft AGL.1800ft for arrival and departure at EGBE. 
SoloN/AN/A      Aerobatic Training

CloudbaseFlight Visibility
Dual4500ft AGL10km
SoloN/AN/A     Trial Lessons

CloudbaseFlight Visibility
Circuit1500ft AGL5km
30 Mins1500ft AGL5km
45, 60 Mins2000ft AGL5km
Warwick Castle1500ft AGL5km
Silverstone2000ft AGL5km
Day in the life2000ft AGL5km
Aerobatics4000ft AGL8km