Private Radar Instructor Guide

Setting availability / unavailability

We will only allocate flights to pilots where they have submitted availability onto Private Radar. You can provide us dates to update your availability or do it yourself.

To submit your own availability, find yourself on the schedule screen, go to the relevant days and create a booking for all or part of the day that you are available. Simple click on the schedule, set the time and write “Available or unavailable” in the activity field

For setting regular / long term availability e.g. to exclude or include yourself on every Monday for example – use the “availability” tab on your profile. But bear in mind that this solution is not flexible and we cannot override it if you happen to become available, it will prevent bookings on all marked days until adjusted.

Maintaining Records

The student training records, aircraft techlog and student online logbook are all maintained through the entry of flight data (formerly done on access) and lesson evaluations upon check in of a flight, or later on by finding and editing a flight.

The basic process of adding check in / flight data is summarised here:

How To Evaluate a Lesson / Flight

First of all, training flights need to have lessons to be assigned to them to be evaluated. They can be added beforehand at the schedule stage, or after check in by editing a flight on the flights screen. One a lesson has been assigned to