Learn to Fly - Free Information

Learn to fly a light aeroplane with us and develop the skills and experience to earn a pilot’s licence and take to the skies! But there is so much to know, so where do you start? The answer is our FREE learn to fly guides. They give you an overview of all the key things you should know before you start to learn to fly to help make the process easier. Follow the links below and sign up for your free guide today. Or read on for more information…

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What is in the Learn to Fly Guides?

Common questions include:

  • “which type of licence should I pursue?”
  • “how much is it going to cost me?”
  • “what are the medical requirements”
  • “How many hours of training does it take?” and the list goes on.

We put together our learn to fly guide to answer all the common questions we hear from people that want to get into flying. It also gives you an idea of what the training process is. The topics covered are as follows

The 7 Steps to a Pilot Licence

This section of the learn to fly guide includes an explanation of

  • the different licence types and how they compare.
  • choosing a flight instructor.
  • choosing a flying school.

The Medical

When you learn to fly, this is a priority. Find out why and how to get one.

The Theory Exams

The different modules, study options, exam format and what happens if you fail any of the exams.

Starting Flight Training

Including tips on how to get started and stick with it, how long it takes before you are ready to fly solo, what comes next – learning how to navigate and building up your hours.

The Skills Test

In the case of aeroplanes this is about the Single Engine Piston (SEP) Skills test and what happens during the test. For those that want to learn to fly a helicopter there is also a skills test that we provide information on including an example of how the test will be conducted.

Getting a FRTOL

When you learn to fly in helicopter of aeroplane you need an FRTOL. This is a standalone licence but also makes up part of a LAPL or PPL. It is to do with radio telephony and there is a test to pass. The guide gives information on the requirements to pass the exam.

Applying for Your Pilot Licence

And finally there is a section on applying for a PPL or LAPL once you are ready. and an extensive section of frequently asked questions and answers.