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FRTOL Practical Brush-up
Take a brush up session that satisfies the CAA pre-requisites of a practical exam, with an option to take the exam with our in-house FRTOL examiner. Required for issue of a PPL / LAPL license or can be held standalone for non pilots to be able to conduct in-flight communications.
The Flight Radio Telephony Radio Licence or ‘FRTOL’ is a requirement for the issue of a PPL or LAPL. The FRTOL can also be issued as a stand alone licence for those who may wish to operate the radio whilst a friend or partner is flying. Almat Flying Academy is able to offer all training required for the FRTOL as well as the CAA practical exam. The FRTOL assessment can be taken alongside our brush up course or as a stand alone test.
The FRTOL Brush-Up
Before attempting the FRTOL practical examination it is a requirement that the candidate has undertaken a course of RT training.
In order to satisfy the FRTOL practical training requirements or to clear up any problem areas prior to test we are able to offer a ‘brush-up’ with an option to add the test. The brush up lasts for two hours and is usually conducted in small groups. However ‘one to one’ brush up sessions are also available. Simply add to your basket above and complete the checkout process.
The brush up is not intended to replace a practical training course for FRTOL and the background reading / self study required to prepare you for the practical test.
The candidate must also be in possession of proof that they have passed the PPL Communications E-Exam and proof of English Language Proficiency may be required if English is not your first language.
Completing The Course
On completion of the session and provided that the instructor feels that all requirements have been met the candidate will be issued with a completed SRG1171, this is required in order to attempt the practical assessment.
FRTOL Practical Test
If you take the test with us, it is conducted by our in-house CAA certified FRTOL examiner at our test centre in Coventry Airport. On the day of the assessment the candidate will be required to prove to the examiner that they have satisfied all of the pre-requisites listed above. Once the examiner is satisfied they will conduct a short briefing outlining how the test will be conducted.
The test will consist of the examiner simulating a VFR flight in the classroom and the candidate being required to demonstrate all of the required RT calls. The test is conducted in two separate rooms with the candidate and examiner using a form of two way communication to simulate the use of an aircraft radio. Once the practical element is complete the examiner will confirm understanding with a short session of questioning. The examiner will then advise the candidate of the result and if the student has met the required standard, issue a proof of pass which needs to be sent to the UK CAA in order to issue a FRTOL.