Pipistrel Virus SW121 G-CLWO

A lovely, stable training aircraft, tourer or hour builder members can hire to fly solo or for flight instruction.


This, is the Pipistrel Virus SW 121. It was added to our fleet on November 2024. It has a Rotax 912 S3 engine, producing just 100 HP. But don’t let that fool you, because at just 2,000ft, it can produce 5,300rpm and cruise comfortably at a KTAS of 119kts, all the while operating at just 75% power. At this setting, you’ll be burning 18.4L/hr (4.86gal/hr) from the aircraft’s dual 50L tanks, which gives you an endurance of 5hr 26mins. If you reduce the setting to 65% and cruise at an altitude of 4,000ft instead. This stretches your endurance to 5hr and 53mins, and a cruise distance of 642NM! All the while the KTAS is only reduced by 3kts! (116kts) At full throttle, this speedy little aircraft is capable of climbing at 1050ft/min!

At a Max Takeoff Weight of 1323lbs (600kg), it has a design useful load of 505lb (229kg), and a maximum operating altitude of 18,000ft!!! Not only that, it is also rated for a maximum take-off altitude of 10,000ft!


  • 2x Air Data/Attitude and Heading Reference System (ADAHRS)
  • AOA-measuring pitot tube
  • Ballistic Parachute Rescue System (BPRS)
  • Dual GPS
  • Garmin G3X Avionics system (Dual display)
  • Garmin GTX328ES transponder (Mode S)
  • Garmin GTR225 Transceiver
  • Garmin GMC305 (Autopilot)
  • On board ELT
  • Schempp-Hirth Style air brakes

With all the capabilities of this new aircraft, you should come in and give it a go! It would definitely be an enjoyable experience, whether you are hour building, practicing your general handling, or just flying around for sight seeing. This is definitely one aircraft you don’t want to miss out flying!

If you want to find out further information about this aircraft, you can visit Pipistrel’s website here: https://www.pipistrel-aircraft.com/products/explorer/#1680717339675-b6d1143d-a61a16807315013231680801553411

Just take into account our aircraft is not the A model that is listed here.


The current prices for hiring this aircraft can be found on our aircraft rental page.


All hirers will require an induction and membership that includes access to our online booking, training and aircraft management system. There you will have an account where you will be able to see your account balance and top up with additional hours as needed. There are numerous other benefits of membership – check them out here.